Lawton, OK
(580) 355-3000
2508 NW Sheridan Rd
Lawton, OK 73505
Longwood, FL
(407) 332-7777
180 N US HWY 17-92
Longwood, FL 32750
World Karate Martial Arts 2508 NW Sheridan Rd LAWTON OK 73505 Tel: 580-355-3000
Kids: Ages 7-12

For our Kids program, we address the needs and abilities of older children by implementing a variety of martial arts techniques to improve your child's focus, self-discipline, and coordination. We reinforce to our students about what their parents teach them on being more obedient, focused, confident, modest, excellent fighting spirit, good etiquette and respectful. Our well trained and professional Instructors utilize positive reinforcement. Effort, Kindness, Respect, Self-Discipline, and using Mental Self-Defense before resorting to violence are all key aspects of our program. (Please see our Student Creed.)